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Faiyaz's Universal Transportation!

Do you need a quick ride to the other side of the world? Are you too low on cash for the usual airplanes that can cost you hundreds? Are you in dire need of an unforgettable vacation?
Say no more!
With Faiyaz's Universal Transportation, you can go anywhere for the most unbelievable prices! We have all sorts of means of transportation incuding methods by air, land, water, and even space!

Our most powerful plane!

Air Travel

Need a flight? We have you covered! Faiyaz's Universal Transportation supplies some of the fastest air transportation in the world! Our airplanes range from the typical fun helicopter to the type of stuff driven by the Wright Brothers themselves. We even stole the most industrial planes from militaries too, as seen as on the left, so you are guaranteed a flight anywhere! We don't even use airports. Every flight at Faiyaz's Universal Transportation is a direct flight to your destination!

Our own Mercedes Vision!

Land Travel

Need a ride across the country? We have you covered! Faiyaz's Universal Transportation has acquired one of the biggest collections of vehicles on the planet! We even acquired the prototypes of unreleased cars from the biggest brands in the market, so you can ride in style. All our rides are guaranteed to get you straight to your desination with no delays. All our drivers have undergone the most intense trainings. Point to a map and you can know we'll get you there in no time at all!

Our largest spaceship!

Space Travel

Need a break from Earth? We have you covered! Faiyaz's Universal Transportation has spent years building some of the most powerful space ships for traveling the vast universe outside our planet's atmosphere. We even have a large collection of ships that look exactly like the ones you've seen in your favorite science fiction films! All you have to do is pick a ship, pick a length of time, give us the payment, and we'll take you on a trip out of this world!


We will contact you with total costs and transportation info

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