You were interested in the course subject.
You think you learned a lot from this course.
You felt prepared to do the assignments in this course.
You felt prepared for the quizzes, exams, and tests in this course.
You feel like you were accomodatedly fairly in this course.
You felt like you had enough time to finish and turn in assignments on time.
You felt the time required of you to work and study outside of class was fair and reasonable.
You felt the class was more stressful than it should have been.
You felt like the course provided enough resources to help you learn.
You think the course was too hard overall.
You would recommend this course to someone else.
You were satisfied with how this course was graded.
The professor was prepared and ready to teach the course.
The professor was willing to answer questions during and outside of class.
The professor was someone you could ask for help.
The professor respects my time.
The professor was helpful to your understanding of the course material.
You felt safe to speak your opinion to the professor.
You think the professor did well teaching the course.
You think the professor should continue teaching this course.